Fitness / Nutrition / Wellness

Taking on 2020 – One Healthy Step at a Time – Part 2

Hello! I hope the last week has treated you well! We are going to continue our steps for making 2020 our healthiest year yet. So, this week I want to discuss movement. Obviously as a personal trainer and yogi this is close to my heart! Although it is best to get in movement in some form or another every day if you are just starting out I suggest being gentle and starting with 30 minutes 3 days a week. Otherwise, this is where burnout happens!

If you are a regular exerciser try something new! Do some interval training, lift weights, do yoga, get in an outdoor hike. Get out of your normal day to day and explore all of the ways to move this big world has to offer! 

Here are just a few of the benefits of exercising, let me reiterate, just a FEW of the many:

1. Reduce your risk of heart disease

2. Improve your mental health

3. Improve your mood

4. Help to manage blood sugar levels 

5. Strengthen bones

6. Improve skin health

7. Create endorphins (these make you feel better, maybe not at the time you are exercising but they will later!)

8. Promotes better sleep

This photo was from a couple of summers ago. Paddleboarding and paddleboard yoga is something somewhat new in my exercise regimen, it’s fun, a little thrilling and relaxing once you get the hang of it! Just don’t overthink it! 

A body in motion stays in motion! Issac Newton discovered this many years ago and it still holds true today. Be gentle and kind to your body but keep it moving!