I love being a personal trainer for so many reasons, I can not count them all. Fun things like this are at the top of my list though! It’s not often that you get to have a job you love and, be with people you adore on a daily basis. I’m lucky enough to have both!

These are a few stills from a recent episode of Tula’s House. I had a blast! Tula, if you aren’t familiar with her work, is a designer of many things, including beautiful fabric. As a designer she sits at a computer for long periods of time which, eventually caused some health issues. During our sessions we work on strength training, movement, stretching and eating nutritious foods throughout the day. Really, just living a healthy life on a daily basis, which is my hope for everyone.

I feel very passionate about stretching, as many of you know, it is an important piece of fitness for everyone! Try to get in 5-10 minutes of stretching daily and, stretch after every workout to help prevent injuries. Stretching is a must for every training session, and lets face it, it feels amazing!

My thanks to Tula for working out in front of all of her fans! If you would like to see more, check out Tula’s House on QNNtv.com.