1::Always eat breakfast within an hour of waking up~ this helps get your metabolism going for the day. Some find fasting helps them control disease as well as helps with weight control. If you are in this category dismiss this hack.
2::Find a workout buddy or personal trainer to keep you on track~ there is strength in numbers! As a trainer I also find my workouts are better when I have a buddy. So, bring your friends along and hold each other accountable! Here is a photo of one of my favorite workout buddies and I doing a little acro-yoga earlier this year.

3::Always have a healthy snack with you just in case~ my favorites are almonds and a banana (just make sure the banana doesn’t get lost in the bottom of your bag…not that I’ve ever had that happen but I’ve heard it makes quite a mess! 😉
4::Eat slowly~ Take time to chew and enjoy your food! Your stomach is a long ways from your brain, give them a chance to talk so you don’t hit that miserable overstuffed feeling.
5::If you are eating out try to find the healthiest thing you can~ don’t skip a meal because you are “dieting” and don’t go hog wild thinking you’ll get back on track tomorrow. Everything in moderation! Ask for dressing on the side if you get a salad, take off the top slice of bread if you get a sandwich and follow healthy hack #4!
I hope you enjoyed this second round of healthy hacks! Here is the link for round 1 if you haven’t read it yet.