Hello my friends! H2 here, continuing our sleep talk. Hopefully your sleep routine is falling into place and getting easier every day. Let’s dive right in to some tips to get the best sleep possible.
- Exercise! No, I’m not just saying that as a personal trainer, there is scientific evidence to back it up! Exercise gets the heart rate up making all systems work which, in turn makes you tired and ready for sleep at the end of the day. Not to mention as you exercise your lung capacity increases (don’t forget to breathe!) which, in turn gives our body more oxygen which, leads to better sleep. Just 30 minutes a day 5 times a week of aerobic, weights or yoga have been shown to vastly improve sleep. For most people exercising earlier in the day shows better benefits to sleep patterns but there are some that are not effected by the time of day. Keep track of what works best for you. Maybe even try a journal for a few weeks tracking your exercise and sleep pattern.
- Stop drinking energy drinks and just get your sleep under control! This becomes a vicious cycle. Don’t get enough sleep, load up on energy drinks, then you can’t sleep that night, so the next day you again load up on energy drinks. Get the drift? The first few days of cutting them out may feel miserable, hang in there, it will get better! You may want to start on a weekend so the crash is not so hard. Try taking a walk or exercise mid-day to keep your body awake for the first few days. See above for the benefits of exercise.
- Teas and supplements can be helpful in creating your sleep routine. My favorite teas before bed are chamomile and lavender. Just make sure you drink them at least an hour before bed, trekking to the bathroom all night isn’t conducive to a good night of sleep. Some natural supplements that help with sleep are Ginkgo Biloba, Valerian Root, Magnesium (not too much! start with a very small dose and work your way up to the recommended amount). Check with a medical professional before adding these into your routine, they are not for everyone but, they can be a natural way to get to sleep occasionally.
- Room temperature, should be 65-67 degrees Fahrenheit. This varies from person to person but cooler is typically better. Good sheets and pillows are essential and not a place to skimp. Soft sheets and the right type of pillow for the type of sleeper (side, back, belly) you are can make the difference between a night of tossing and turning or a restful 8 hours in the sack. Also, pjs or lack of them. Find what suits you and go with it!
- Lastly, use a light that slowly gets brighter or soothing music that gradually gets louder to wake up. Waking up startled is not a good way to start the day!
Please let me know if you have any tips that help you get a great night of sleep!
Sleep well!