Hello! I’m frequently asked what my go to snacks are so I thought I’d share them with you all! Here are a few of my faves~
SunButter– I love pairing this with apples, celery or pears! It has 7 grams of protein and only 3 grams of sugar in 2 tablespoons, not to mention that it comes from sunflower seeds so, hello good fat!

Pecans, pistachios, cashews and almonds– any nut in its rawest unsalted form makes a great snack. Walnuts are also a great addition however, I have an allergy to them so I try to keep away to prevent swollen blue lips. 😉 If you suffer from nut allergies try seeds, they are a good source of protein and fat as well!
Raw vegetables and hummus– One of my favorite snacks is red, yellow and orange bell peppers thinly sliced with hummus. If I don’t have peppers available I go straight to carrots and celery! I’m currently in love with Tribe Mediterranean hummus, yum!!

Vega One meal bars- cut in half are a great on the go snack, with 13 grams of protein in a full bar it gets me through those crunch times when I only have a few minutes for a snack.

Planning your snacks out for the day is key, then you don’t become a ravenous beast that would eat their own arm! 😉
Questions or comments, feel free to comment below or send me a message!
Happy snacking!